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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177


September 2024 admissions

Admissions for a Reception place at Cramlington Village Primary School for September 2024 opened in November 2023 and closed in January 2024.

If you are still interested in a place for September 2024, please contact the school office on the phone number or email address at the top of this page. Alternatively, you can contact the admission team at Northumberland County Council on 01670 623 560.

We offer visits to school and the school office will be happy to answer your questions and discuss the learning experiences your child could enjoy at our school.

Please read our 2024-25 admissions policy  

Summer born children admission out of normal age group 



Appeal procedure

Parents whose applications for places are unsuccessful will be given an opportunity to appeal against the decision to an Independent Appeal Panel, set up in accordance with the statutory provisions in force at the time.

The appeal panel will be independent of Cramlington Village Primary School. The determination of the Appeal Panel is binding on all parties. The school shall prepare guidance for parents about how the appeals process will work and provide parents with a named contact who can answer any enquiries parents may have about the process.

The school may, if it chooses, enter into an agreement with the Local Authority or any other organisation to recruit, train and appoint Appeal Panel members and to arrange for the process to be independently administered and clerked. Full details will be sent to parents with their decision letters.

School Admissions Appeal Timetable.docx

Reserve list

In addition to the right to appeal, unsuccessful applicants will be offered an opportunity to be placed on the reserve list. The order of the reserve list will be determined in accordance with the order determined by the over-subscription criteria.

The reserve list will be maintained until 31st August 2024. Vacancies arising between the offer day and the 31st August 2024 will in the first instance be offered to applicants on the reserve list.

2024-25 inter-year admissions

If you are interested in a place for your child for another year group or for a nursery place, please contact the school office via the phone number or email address at the top of this page.

The Admissions Policy has been compiled to comply with The School Admissions Code 2021

Admissions frequently asked questions

How many places will the school offer?

CVPS admits a maximum of 30 Reception children in each academic year. There are 26 nursery places available.

What if I have already accepted a place at another primary school?

If you have already accepted a place at another primary school you can still apply for a place at Cramlington Village Primary School if one is available.

What is the rationale behind our admissions process?

Our admissions process is based on three key principles:

1. Our distinctive ethos

We believe we offer something different in Cramlington and we want to encourage applications from parents and children who understand and believe in this ethos. However, we also recognize that for some our ethos may not reflect their opinions on how school should be delivered.

2. Attracting diversity

We want to create a school with a rich diversity in its children, reflecting the variety of different cultures within the town. We want to prioritise places for children who are eligible for free school meals, to prioritise those with social or medical needs, special educational needs, as well as to attract children who don’t have such needs. We have been very sensitive to minimise impact on local schools and will offer a 10-mile catchment area to support that.

3. Community and partnership

CVPS will work hard, as it has done throughout consultation, to build strong partnerships with the Cramlington community. Our focus will be on the community on the east side of the town, where we are based.

How will places be allocated?

The school is open to anyone and is non-selective.

Cramlington Village Primary School (CVPS) has an agreed admission number of 30 pupils per year.
Responsibility for the admissions of pupils rests with the Governing Body of the school
All applications for places at CVPS will be considered in accordance with the arrangements set out in our admissions policy

Can we still apply for places after the start of the school year?

Applications for vacancies that arise outside the normal annual admission round for Reception class intakes will be considered at any time during the year. Information and application forms may be obtained from the school. Where there is more than one application for a vacant place, the offer of a place will be determined in accordance with the listed oversubscription criteria above. Spare places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, once formal applications have taken place in April.