Useful links for parents

Useful links for parents Open/Close

Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177


Attendance and punctuality 

“Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.” (DfE website)

Further information on statutory parental responsibility for attendance is available on the Department for Education website here.

It is very difficult for children to learn if they are not in school. Regular and punctual attendance ensures that your child is able to make the most of their school life, whilst infrequent or late attendance leads to children feeling constantly behind with their schoolwork.

In accordance with the Education Act 1996, it is the duty of parents/carers to ensure the regular attendance of their child in school. This means that the pupil must be in attendance and on time every day unless they are ill or there is any other unavoidable cause.

There will be times when your child is unable to attend school because of unavoidable causes. We ask you to inform us on the first day if your child is unable to attend school. We will also ask you the reason and expected duration of the absence. 

Cramlington Schools Letter to All Parents and Carers


The government has set a minimum attendance target of 95%. This means that a two-week family holiday will take children’s attendance below the government guidelines. We are always concerned about the amount of school time pupils miss and would ask parents to consider carefully their child’s academic progress before booking family holidays in term time.

In unavoidable circumstances, we ask that parents complete the attached leave of absence form and send through to

Absences due to illness

In the event that your child is ill we request that you keep them at home until they are feeling better, especially in the case of infectious diseases in line with the local authority guidelines.

If the school office is closed, you can call the school office on 01670 735177 and leave a voicemail, or text 07445 998690. You will need to do this everyday that your child is absent. 

We also ask you to provide us with an emergency contact telephone number so that you can be notified if your child becomes ill during the school day.