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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177


Welcome to Cramlington Village Primary School

It is a real pleasure and absolute privilege, as the Principal of Cramlington Village Primary School, to welcome you to our school website.

We are a 3-11 Primary School with approximately 190 pupils on roll, proudly serving a fantastic community in Cramlington, Northumberland.  

We have a dedicated teaching team and are very proud of how together, with our pupils, parents, staff and governors, we are a community of learners that grow and flourish together.   Our caring and supportive ethos is designed with our children and families at the heart and centre of everything we do. 

It is our belief that all children can succeed, and we are relentlessly focussed on enabling our children to achieve academically, as well as celebrating personal success.  We aspire for our children to leave us as learners who look at the wider world with the confidence and knowledge that they can make a difference, and that they matter.

Our curriculum, outdoor provision and teaching is personalised to meet the needs of our pupils. We are a fully inclusive school and welcome families from all backgrounds.  We are proud of the support we offer for children with special educational needs and their families.  We work closely with external agencies to ensure the best possible support is in place.  You are very welcome to contact our SENDco to discuss this further.

I hope that you enjoy visiting our website and welcome visits to find out more about our wonderful school.  Please call our school office, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Whitehead - Principal