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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177


What do we want from our curriculum?

We want our curriculum to:

  • Facilitate children to realise and achieve their fullest potential through individualised planning which is based upon children’s interests and prior achievements
  • Ensure that every child can be successful
  • Enable children to learn through first hand predominantly practical experiences
  • Promote life skills
  • Provide inspirational teaching and learning experiences
  • Make a positive difference to all children
  • Instil a sense of respect and kindness between all children and adults so that they can work cooperatively
  • Support children to look for the best in themselves and others
  • Build upon the experiences and knowledge children already have by providing a carefully structured curriculum
  • Ensure that all children’s needs are met through a diverse and inclusive curriculum regardless of their gender, ability or cultural background
  • Work together with parents to create a strong partnership, acknowledging the important role that parents/carers have as the child’s first and most enduring educators
  • Create a safe and stimulating environment which promotes the confidence of children to become independent learners

Our vision is that all children will go on to lead happy, successful and fulfilled lives as a result of their time with us. We work hard to encourage the children to think big about what possibilities lie ahead for them.

For some children this may not mean the highest of academic achievement but will always mean trying their hardest, thriving while working towards, and achieving their personal goals, and developing social skills that show mutual respect for their peers and for adults. 

Self confidence, high self esteem and strong independence are encouraged from children’s experience in the Early Years right through to their time in Year 6. They are encouraged to assume responsibilities in school and to direct the learning opportunities they receive both as individuals, as classes, and as a school body.

How do we plan these opportunities? 

At CVPS the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and subject leaders work together to create a range of skill progression documents and subject intent statements. Each year, the subject

leaders review and update the documents to ensure our vision for the year ahead remains accurate and is always grounded in theory and research from renowned practitioners and organisations.

Subject leaders share their intent statements and progression of skills with staff annually to ensure implementation has maximum impact on pupil engagement, achievement and progress.

The SLT then ensure that the curriculum is planned according to the R.E.A.L project ethos to make sure learning is real, engaging and authentic for all of our students. We make sure that important concepts are planned out effectively and carefully sequenced. We use the progression of skills documents to ensure that concepts are taught effectively and constantly reviewed over an academic year. Reading, mathematics and science are prioritised and interwoven into all curriculum areas.

We ensure that the projects planned provide a context for learning, are challenging and are annually reviewed to keep children constantly engaged and excited to learn. We have never repeated a project or topic!

Our school vision, has and always will be, to fully engage and immerse children in their learning to ensure they achieve their full potential. So who better to ask than them? The next step involves asking the children for their ideas and questions to direct the medium term planning.

Medium term planning includes a grid of what will be covered across the seven areas of learning across a half term period. This includes planned trips and outings as well as celebrations and important events.

Short term planning takes the form of weekly planning sheets where every child has individualised opportunities based upon previous observations, assessments and learning.