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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177

British Values

Fundamental British Values

At Cramlington Village Primary, we explicitly teach children about the fundamental British Values and link this to other work that we do in school. We help children make powerful connections between British Values, our school Values, their PSHE knowledge and their day to day lives. 


At CVPS we develop children’s understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process. We  encourage children to connect their understanding to their participation and engagement in school life, in particular:

At our school we: 

  • Teach children about the history and complexity of democracy in the UK through our History and PSHE   programmes of study.
  •  Learn about democracy in the UK and how Parliament works in PSHE.  For example, in Autumn 2023, we   celebrated World Parliament week with a range of activities.
  •  Learn about democracy around the world and human rights. 
  •  Have our voice heard through termly Pupil Voice activities on key issues impacting them and we listen to and act   upon pupils’ feedback.  For example, in Autumn 2023, pupils shared what they did and did not like about our   school lunches and our meal choices were adapted accordingly.  Also, our pupils voted for our new House Team   names and shared a logo.  
  •  Actively have a say in decisions around school through our School Council. 
  •  Are visited by the Parliamentary Outreach team.  In Autumn 2023, our local MP Ian Levy visited CVPS to help us   launch World Parliament week by sharing information about his job and doing a question and answer session in   assembly. 
  •  Have opportunities for children to be active citizens and participate in life around school with responsibilities, such   as library monitors, reading buddies, house team captains, table monitors in the lunch hall.  
  •  Practise sharing ideas and expressing and justifying opinions across the curriculum. 
  •  Value the contribution of others. 
  •  Take part in debates and discussions in lessons. 
  •  Prepare and deliver speeches and presentations.  Our Year 6s deliver a pledge to be elected as House Team   captains. 


At CVPS we teach children to appreciate that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety. We develop their ability to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England. 

At our school we: 

  • Rise to the high expectations of our behaviour. 
  • Underpin our behaviour with our Core Values. 
  • Celebrate achievements and positive behaviours with House points and Values in Practise (VIP) awards. 
    Learn about laws that impact us in PSHE and assemblies. 
  • Have clear routines and habits in our play and learning. 
  • Understand the cause and effect behind our actions. 
  • Learn about cause and effect and the need for rules in PSHE and Nurture. 
  • Have opportunities across the curriculum to distinguish between right and wrong. 
  • Learn about the rules and how to respect our local community. 
  • Have visits from the local policing teams.


At CVPS we develop children’s understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law.  We teach them to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely. 

At our school we: 

  • Celebrate the uniqueness of every individual. For example, children have an opportunity to perform a talent in our talent competition. 
  • Learn about our rights and the choices we have. Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  
  • Consider other people’s liberty and freedoms sensitively. 
  • Learn about how to make safe, responsible decisions. 
  • Learn about cause and effect and how this links to accountability through restorative justice approaches.
    Have opportunities at breaktime, lunchtime and after school to pursue talents and interests.


At CVPS children are taught to accept that other people have different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or have none) and that differences should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. We develop their understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination. Also, we develop their appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures. 

At our school we: 

  • Learn about the Protected Characteristics in PSHE and our weekly assembly programme.
  • Pay regard to the Equality Act in our decisions.
  • Learn about different faiths and religions in RE.
  • Learn about different cultures through languages, RE, History and the wider curriculum. 
  • Celebrate a diverse range of festivals and celebrations throughout the year. 
  • Respond sensitively to those who have different views to us.


At CVPS we teach children to show respect for other people through their behaviour and attitudes. They develop their understanding of social norms, such as good manners, politeness and respectful tone of voice. Our pupils apply their knowledge of respect to people who may be different to themselves in faith, racial, cultural or socioeconomic background. 

At our school we: 

  • Establish positive, respectful relationships between peers, adults and children. 
  • Demonstrate and celebrate positive, respectful behaviours and manners around school. 
  • Promote kindness and articulate our views with sensitivity and courtesy. 
  • Challenge unacceptable behaviours and help others to learn from mistakes. 
  • Embrace and promote our diversity. 
  • Host weekly celebration assemblies to celebrate the success of our friends and peers.