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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177

Looking after your child's mental health

As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy.

Encouraging and guiding a child to think about their own mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age.

The NHS website ‘Better Health - Every Mind Matters’  is a fantastic resource and is available here

Find out how you can help a child to have good mental health, including knowing how to talk to a child about their mental health, and when to spot signs they might be struggling. Plus get self-care tips for you, to help you look after your mental health while caring for others, and find out how to get more support if you, your child or your family need it.

How do we support positive mental health in school?

  • Supportive and trusted adult/child relationships that encourage children to share when they feel worried 
  • Designated spaces in each year base where children can go to relax, talk through their worries or use one of their individualised strategies to calm down such as a sand tray, feelings thermometer, or colouring pad. 
  • We are a Stormbreak school - a charity that aims to improve children’s mental health through movement, equipping them with sustainable, transferable skills and coping strategies to thrive during the complex demands of growth into adult life.
  • Worry boxes in classrooms that are regularly checked 
  • Mindfulness clubs and yoga and relaxation activities
  • Mental health and wellbeing incorporated into PSHE and RSE curriculum
  • Mental health awareness weeks
  • Mental health and wellbeing leads
  • Pupil voice questionnaires

Further support and information for parents

If you're concerned about a child or young person's mental health, you can get free, confidential advice via phone, email or webchat from Youngminds.


Action for Children has lots of tips to help you spot signs of mental health issues in children and advice on the action you can take to help.


Barnardo's has also set up the See, Hear, Respond support hub – a dedicated service to help children, young people and their families or carers with problems caused by the coronavirus outbreak


Experiencing the loss of a friend or loved one can be extremely difficult. The Childhood Bereavement Network has information and links to national and local organisations you or the child you look after might find helpful. 

Any professional that works with children and young people should be able to help you get support. You could talk to a member of staff, school nurse, social worker or GP.


You can find more information about NHS children and young people's mental health services (CYPMHS) on the NHS website. You can also look at your local Clinical Commissioning Group website, and most services also have their own website with information about access, referrals (including whether you can "self-refer") and contact details – try searching in your area for "CYPMHS" or "CAMHS" (children and adolescent mental health services, an older term used for some CYPMHS).


If you are worried about a child or young person who has or may have an eating disorder, check if your local Children and Young People's Community Eating Disorder Team accepts self-referrals and contact them as soon as possible. You can also speak to your GP. Beat has lots more useful advice for children, young people and adults.


If you look after a child that has additional needs, Mencap, the Mental Health Foundation and the National Autistic Society all have excellent resources and support for parents or carers of children with learning disabilities or autism. 

If you have any concerns at all about a child’s safety or wellbeing, including their mental health, you can contact the NSPCC Helpline 7 days a week, via the website or by emailing or calling 0808 800 5000. It does not have to be an emergency – you might be looking for guidance and support. Dedicated NSPCC child protection specialists will be able to advise and take any necessary action.