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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177

Reading Lists

There can be few things as powerful as regularly reading to a young child.

It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading them a story tells them they matter. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns. Yet fewer than half of 0–2-year-olds are read to every day or nearly every day by their parents.

So, why don’t more parents do it?

The position of reading as a staple of entertainment and relaxation is challenged by hectic family lives, lack of time and some parents’ perception that reading to their child is a chore. It can also often take a backseat to screen time. And there is too much emphasis placed on reading as a skill and not as a pleasure. 

This emphasis permeates even the very early years, because reading is often seen as a skill to learn later at school. Current data illustrates this very well: 45% of 0–2s are read to daily or nearly every day. This increases to 58% of 3–4s, in part to get them ‘school ready’, and by 5–7 years, parents reading daily to their children drops back to 44% as the notion takes hold that reading is a subject to learn at school. By this age, parental involvement can often be simply ensuring reading homework is done.

So, we want to help! We have developed a reading list for every year group and have bought every book so the children can take it home and read with you. We want to encourage reading for pleasure and have a wide selection of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, magazines and graphic novels available in the class library as well as our beautiful school library. 

A list of the books for every year group are available here - please speak to a member of staff if you would like further information or come and visit the library if you would like to borrow a book.