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Cramlington Village Primary School

Bowmont Drive, Eastfield Lea, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 2SN

01670 735177

School Uniform 






 Nursery to Year 4

  • Plain white polo shirt. Polo shirts do not need to have the school logo. Supermarket polo shirts are appropriate 
  • A purple sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Summer dress for girls in the summer term is optional (Lilac check)

Sweatshirts and cardigans are available to purchase from

 Year 5 and 6 







  • Plain white shirt with collar. Shirts must be tucked in at all times
  • Grey and purple tie

Blazers can be purchased from Emblematic

Ties can be purchased from MCaS in the products section.

All Years 





  • Dark grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore
  • Dark grey or black tights or plain white, grey or black socks
  • No leggings


  • Plain black shoes – that children can fasten themselves, that do not have high heels and are enclosed at the heels and toes
  • A pair of wellingtons to remain at school for outdoor play

 PE Uniform 






  • Plain black hoody or optional purple PE House Team Hoody
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms
  • Trainers and socks

Pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit all day on their PE days.

Hoodies are available to purchase from




CVPS book bag.  Other bags or rucksacks are not permitted in school.

Water bottle (to be kept in school). The water bottle will be filled daily with fresh water only and be washed in the school kitchen daily.

Book bags and water bottles can be purchased from MCaS in the products section.


Hijabs should be plain black.


Earrings are NOT permitted to be worn in school. Safety earrings are available to buy from the main school office.

With the exception of a watch, no other jewellery is allowed.


We respectfully ask that children are provided with the correct uniform and that all items are named, including shoes and socks. If the uniform is misplaced it will be easy to identify if named.